Born in LA and raised on the central coast of California, Yew comes from a background in surfing, skating and snowboarding. In those cultures, the word “yew” is an exclamation of enthusiasm and encouragement. When someone does a sick trick, you can hear people exclaiming “yew!” Naturally, Yew is extremely positive and encouraging and has adopted this as his identity. His natural encouragment comes in handy as he works as a teacher. He teaches surfing, skating, and snowboarding as he drifts around nomadically.
Yew coaches on the side while he pursues his dreams as an artist and stuntman. His art has been published in many zines and shown in galleries such a Superchief Gallery in Los Angeles.
Yew geeks out on sustainable agriculture. He finds compost magical and has had numerous worm farms including one on Mudtown Farms in Watts, CA.