kook6lood series

I’ve found a new love for making photo books. The creative process and result feels so much more fulfilling than sharing my work on social media alone.


volume 1.

Titled "la renaissance", this book documents the progression of free punk shows in Los Angeles, during the Covid 19-Pandemic. Youth remain resilient, taking on stress and struggles from lockdown. They bounce back hard, solidifying and unifying their tribe. The affects of the Pandemic has led to a resurgence in art and culture. Such as the Black Death Pandemic led to the 14th century Renaissance. Despite laws prohibiting gathering, these artists adapt, playing in sewers, skateparks, and backyards for free. Adapting and strengthening as a community


volume 11

I trace my roots back to Panama. I document my journey and what I learn about Panamas history as well as my family’s. It exhibits Panamanian Culture through its art, architecture and people. This volume includes more writing, reflect why this trip changed my life.